October Prophetic Encounter Prayer and Fasting Day 1
5th Octoberr 2022
Corporate Prayer Time | 7:00am -7:30am
Zoom Meeting ID 2233 858 000 Passcode 040109
- Father, Thank You for all the Major Testimonies, Breakthroughs and Miracles we encountered during the last Prophetic Encounter – Jeremiah 30:19
- Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Ghost, let all our flyers and social media pages become Major Sickles of Harvest to draw thousands of Souls into this Church daily – Revelation 14:16-18
- Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Spirit, we release Angelic Manifestations in Solution Chapel International daily – Exodus 23:20-23
- Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Ghost, let the Light of Your Creative Word become real in Solution Chapel International daily – John 1:3-5
- Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Power of the Holy Ghost, stir the heart of every member of this Commission to win minimum 5 souls into Your Kingdom this month – Zechariah 7:13-14