Solution Chapel International

Don’t Join It? Why?
Some people build their ministry around the downfall of other ministries by negatively criticising everything they do, but did you notice Jesus never criticised the ministry of John the Baptist? At one point John the Baptist said Jesus must Increase and he must decrease .
The ministry of John the Baptist introduced the ministry of Jesus unto the scene and both of their ministries where shaking the foundations of their society until John the Baptist questioned the VALIDITY of Jesus’s ministry and his head was cut off.
Don’t join any ministry that is always criticising another minstry, because there is no future for that ministry.
Jesus was the ONLY GOOD Person that ever walked this earth. He had the best character and yet choose one bad disciple who was stealing from the purse and later betrayed him.
There no NO perfect church or ministry this side of heaven, there is no perfect church neither is there any perfect Pastor or perfect leader or perfect member.
The day you see a perfect church, please don’t join it, because the day your inperfect self join tye perfect church, that perfect church will become in-perfect.
We are all striving to be like Jesus by constantly meditating of His word.

One Response

  1. ‘Don’t join it ‘

    This is a very powerful understanding displaying the boldness and wisdom of Gods leadership. Indeed only Jesus is perfect and we all are focusing on Him to be made perfect like him.


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